Monday, February 2, 2009

Where does TIME go???

I just love this pretty gal!!

I dont know why this thought came to me but it's made me think about things. Time just fly's by so fast, before i know it another month has come and gone. We are not promised I am going to try to live one day at a time, live like i might not have tomorrow. I know it might seem kinda weird, but by doing this for myself I dont let the little things bother me. I want to treat Mallory like it might be the last time i see her, that way i am more likely to not be mad and let that be my last feeling or action be my last memory. I know this has to sound like my cheese has done slid off my cracker.....but i am looking at this as an opportunity to make mallory and our time together more rewarding, speacial, and end on a positive note!!


  1. Whatever you do, NEVER, EVER let your cheese slide off your cracker. You are a wonderful husband to my daughter. Thank you!

  2. Great post! So sweet! And the cheese and cracker comment was great. It gave me my first laugh today! Thank you!

  3. You sound like you are planning on dying. I totally understand what you are saying, my dear. Our life is precious and I want to live it up... every momemnt of it! You are too sweet Aaron. Thank you for being you.

    You should blog about a jail would be interesting.

  4. I want to hear more about Gloria!! You are a sweet guy. And I love you. You need to give Brandon some tips ;P
