Thursday, February 5, 2009

Gods love!!

Me and my wonderful, beautiful wife were discussing tonight ahout how GOD has blessed our lives and those blessings are always so awesome and more than we could ever imagine!!! So you would think that if you get those blessings that it would be easy to stay on track, pray and worship till you drop. But it always seems that i fall off and cant stay focused on GOD and what he has for my life. I just cant believe that I cant stay focused and pray everyday and read the bible. I get so blessed when i do keep up with that.....I am happy, things are clicking, everything is great!!! So why wouldnt I want that everyday!!?? Lazyness, it takes discipline to make yourself study the word and pray for your partner and those who might get on your nerves, I need to start praying for my family and others everyday!! I know what it takes and how to do it....I just want to be on fire for GOD and to feel so alive again. I want and need to be the spiratual leader to keep me and my family on track, but i need to work on me first!!! Mallory is such a sweet wife and I know GOD has given this wonderful person to me....and it is my duty to make sure we both are giving are all to GOD!! I am sorry Mallory that I havent been who I need to be for you!! I want you to know that is going to change and that I am here for you. I am sorry if this seems like I am rambling, but i think that is what this things are for to get stuff off your chest. I just think its awesome that we have a GOD that loves us no matter what we do, and that he forgives us!! I am very thankfull for that!!!

1 comment:

  1. Tears are in my eyes because I've been praying for you....for exactly what you expressed in this post. I know we serve an awesome God because even though we haven't even talked about this, you took the words from my prayers and put them in this entry. It truly is amazing to see what God can and will do. He hears us AND answers our prayers. I love you, Aaron.
